Do You See Me Now

Exhibited at the North Seattle Art Gallery (Winter 2019/2020)

The act of looking is not the same as the act of seeing. To look at something is simply directing one’s gaze in any direction. Looking requires nothing more than the gift of ocular vision. The act of seeing is much more involved. Seeing requires consciousness. It requires recognition that whatever or whomever one is seeing has both abstract and literal value and exists independently of the viewer.

Can You SEE Me Now? is a socially engaged portrait collaboration. This series is a celebration of five women who are often looked to for their expertise in their respective professional fields, identities, and using their voice to effect recognition or change–but rarely seen as whole, complex humans with their own perspectives, lived experiences, hopes, dreams, and challenges.

The images presented here reflect some of the lesser known, lesser appreciated aspects of the totality of these people. These individuals are often seen as figures, often talked to or about rather than talking with. They are powerful, beautiful, magical. They are wonderful.They also, as do many of us, struggle with various life events, emotional and mental challenges, finding a sense of place in an increasingly hostile environment. The goal of this series is not to tell the viewer what to think, but rather encourage the viewer to reflect on their own perceptions, challenge assumptions, and see themselves and each other as more fully human.

A collaborative portrait series with:

  • Michael B. Maine (Social Engaged Creative/Photographer)

  • Lhorna Murray (Community Activist)

  • Olliver Villafuerte (Eastetician/Avant Garde Makeup Artist)

  • North Seattle College Gallery