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I Am Looking For Socially Responsbile Work

I am seeking the opportunity to work with a socially responsible organization (small business, non-profit, NGO, or traditional business). By socially responsible, I mean that the organization has a true passion for creating sustainable, social change. This social change shouldn’t be a byproduct, but rather a conscious, fundamental effort. The fields I find most appealing involve literacy, cultural education, economic development, globalization, sustainable energy, and equality. I am willing to work on a full-time, part-time, or consulting basis.



I will work anywhere near an airport with a direct flight to Seattle, WA. Top choices include Seattle, WA; Denver, CO; San Francisco, CA; Austin, TX, and Washington D.C., or Anchorage, Alaska. Depending on your needs, I can also work remotely. Beginning in September, I will be attending the MBA in Sustainability program at Bainbridge Graduate Institute. This hybrid program requires that I physically be in Seattle four days per month.


What do I bring to the table?

My skills include the ability to break complex problems down into smaller pieces, analyze issues from various perspectives, and build sustainable organizational, business, marketing, communications, and media systems. I thrive in an environment where people have a vested interest in the success of each other and work together to accomplish an end goal. I have experience writing proposals, developing and delivering presentations, conducting research, and designing marketing and communications strategies.


What are my interests?

I am interested in how our interactions with people and the environment affect us on a global scale. I enjoy learning how innovative businesses and organizations are working to identify and alleviate problems. I also love basketball, traveling, and technology.


What have I done?

I am currently working on Menrva Labs, a project I started to promote social change by increasing social consciousness. I am interviewing people others and I have found innovative, inspiring, and interesting; and providing them with a forum to share their stories. The website will also include news, business tips, trainings, commentary on advertisements, and thought-provoking questions. Community events will include art exhibitions, community discussions, etc.

Besides Menrva Labs, I sit on the board of the American Marketing Association (San Antonio Chapter) as the vice president of collegiate relations, work with Media Justice League to teach media literacy, and provide pro bono consulting work with Literacy San Antonio (SA Reads) to help create a culture of literacy in San Antonio and surrounding areas.

Prior to moving to San Antonio, I worked in Santiago, Chile at Albagli Zaliasnik & Cia, where I developed their global marketing strategy and Austin, where I did financial advising for two years.


Are you interested, or know someone who might be?

You can get a better feel for who I am by checking out my personal website or calling me at 214.699.1758. If you or somebody you know has a project I can help with, please let them/me know. You can also find me around the web at the following locations:







Building Real Networks Through Social Media


The title of this post was going to be something along the lines of “How Virtual Networks Can Be Used To Build Real Networks.” However, before I could even put the pen to paper I realized there is nothing not real about about these so-called “virtual” networks. Using social media as a tool can extend your network far beyond that which would be possible otherwise. Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media is effective in connecting people across cities, states, and nations, and in their own backyards.

Connections are no longer limited to geographic location, but the willingness of a person to explore. I have recently engaged in conversation with authors, poets, volunteers, friends, business leaders, editors, and others via Twitter. While I would have met some of these people in person because of the activities in which I take part, many I would not.

Lately, I have taken the next step to meet some of the people whom I have met on Twitter in person. One such meeting took place with San Antonio Business Journal project editor Donna Tuttle.  After meeting her son at a Southwestern University alumni event I sent Ms. Tuttle (@writeontime) a tweet to tell her how well he presented himself. After a few exchanges, we met at The Foundry, a local, community-based coffee shop, to discuss various projects in and around San Antonio, where we discovered we have largely overlapping interests and networks: We both were/are involved with TEDxSanAntonio (she organized, I attended). We both know the likes of Todd O’Neil (@toddfromnj) and Debbie Curtis (@kitestringbyday). And we both believe business should bring about positive, social change. That encounter has proved to be mutually beneficial as we have shared resources, events, and plans. Tuttle has also introduced me to other inspiring agents of change within the San Antonio community.

Others I’ve met via social media who have influenced me include Marissa Garcia (@marissaRgarcia), Bill Backus (@billbackus), Gemini Ink (@GeminiInk), and Karen Bantuveris (@vspotmom). Thank you guys.

Networks aren’t defined by who you have physically met. It’s how you interact with people. Whether or not you ever meet them in person you can tremendously influence one another. These connections, networks, and relationships are very real.

Building Networks Through Social Media

Shake Your Munny Maker

Yesterday I mentioned I would write a little more about the Munny Maker fundraising event that took place this past Saturday at the Fine Silver Building in San Antonio. It was both hosted by, and for the benefit of, AIGA San Antonio. AIGA (American Institute for Graphic Designers) is a professional designers’ association. In Texas, they currently have chapters in Dallas, Austin, and Houston, but not in San Antonio. The design community in San Antonio is working to hard to start an officially recognized chapter of their own.  I must say, they have put in some tremendous work, and it’s starting to pay off. The guest speaker was Brian Flynn, one of the top designers in the States, founder of Hybrid Design, and, might I add, a pretty cool guy.


Since I’m not a designer, at first I planned only to attend the event, but when I saw the tweet asking for volunteers I decided to see what I could do. For me, volunteering at events is much more rewarding than simply attending them. I like being able to see all the passion and effort that goes into coordinating and executing events such as this. Also, the people that put these things together tend to be the those willing to go the extra mile—the kinds of people I like to be around. I got a chance to meet some really cool people I otherwise might not have the chance. Among them were Rolando Murillo or Murillo Design, Cesar Rivera of Chimaera Design, and Karmen Vidal of Picoso Creative, among several others.  These are the people you often hear about in the industry, but It’s cool to work alongside them and see them with their hair down.


Munnies were crafted by both local and non-local designers and sold during a silent auction. Some of the top munnies went for over $100. Check out some of my favorites below. Good luck AIGA San Antonio! Feel free to let me know if you need any help with future events.


Myth: It's All About Whom You Know, Not What You Know

We hear it all the time: “It’s all about whom you know, not what you know.” Apparently, getting to know the right people will get you where you want to go. While  I do believe that networking will help you accomplish your goals, I think this statement is false for two important reasons.

First, it’s more important that people know you than for you to know them. If you build a quality name (brand) for yourself, you will be recognized as a leader, and people will seek you. Make a list of super successful people. D you know them, or do they know you? For example, I recently reached out to a few authors for a book that I’m working on because I respect their work in Sociology. They don’t know me, but they stand to benefit from being known.

Second, it’s a combination of who you know AND what you know. If people know you and respect you, they will help put you in contact with certain people and you’ll find yourself with opportunities you might not otherwise have. However, if you can’t perform, not only will you look bad, but so will be the person who recommended you. In short, the people who know you put you in positions to allow you to use what you know.

Who you know lets you use what you know.