Portland, OR
I finally did it. I acquired a Leica. While in Portland to do a couple of photo shoots, I stopped by Pro Photo Supply to pick up some Portra 160 and T-Max 100 when I stumbled across a Leica M6 in great condition. I picked it up and immediately learned what all the fuss is about in a well-made, all-mechanical Leica. After 24 hours of deliberating whether this camera was more important than eating, I decided that I could do the ramen thing for a month to make of for it. It was definitely worth it.
Here are some of the black and white images I shot with it later that day when I loaded it up with some classic Ilford HP5 film.
I loved the "Not for Sale" sign in the windshield of this classic. I appreciated the bold statement. I immediately thought of forced labor, immigration reform, and human trafficking and how this message can be universally applied. Image shot with Leica M6 + Ilford HP5 developed in Kodak HC-110.
The main reason for my trip to Portland was to photograph Hava Dennenberg to create some images for her upcoming business Farmhouse 18. More information on that to follow. Here is Hava trying out a walnut that has just fallen to the ground. Image shot with Leica M6 + Ilford HP5 developed in Kodak HC-110.
I just simply loved this scene. It's not often we get this kind of sun coming through the branches of trees in this part of the Pacific Northwest. Image shot with Leica M6 + Ilford HP5 at 50mm and developed in Kodak HC-110.
This is one of my favorite photographs from that day. Shot with my trusty Mamiya RB67 loaded with Kodak Ektar 100 with 127mm lens.