Last night I was sitting at the bar in my kitchen enjoying a glass of wine, a couple pieces of brie, and crackers while writing some website plans. When I finished the plans, I closed the laptop and walked out to the balcony to take a break, at 10:30 p.m. I still had some things I wanted to get done, but I had been working since 7:00 a.m. When I stepped out I looked up and realized that, for the first time in months, I was looking at stars. Looking at these stars, I remembered just how insignificant so many things are in this world. It’s the same feeling I get when I look down on the landscape from an airplane.

I hadn’t taken the time to look up at a night sky for several months. I’m so used to squeezing productivity out of every moment I can. I don’t watch television because I feel like I could be doing something else. I struggle to sit through a new movie. I have three books by the bed, one in the kitchen, two in the car, and one at my desk at work so I can always have something to read whenever there’s a spare moment. In my desire to get so much done is so little time, I neglected to enjoy some of the simplest things in life. I love what I do, and I enjoy reading, writing, and connecting with others, but sometimes there’s a need to just…simply…relax.