My first week in Seattle has come to a close. With class, homework, and work, it was a very full week. However, it’s good to be back in my element at work. I’m enjoying being creative again. At BGI (from the perspective of employee), there is a LOT to do, but I welcome the challenge. Regardless of the amount of work, it’s great to belong to an organization whose purpose is to make the world a better place.
I saw my first bulesque show at The Can Can. My friend Laura, who I haven’t seen in several years, has been living in Seattle for the past few years and introduced me to the place. I enjoyed the creative and laid back atmosphere, the show was good, and the food was amazing. She is also an amazing artist and was involved in an open house at Inscape on Airport Blvd. South.
Lastly, I finished up the week volunteering with Treehouse For Kids with the Southwestern Alumni Assocation of the Pacific Northwest. Southwestern University was representing yesterday from 10:00 a.m. PST to 2:00 p.m. PST. I’ll follow up with more of what Treehouse For Kids does in an upcoming post, but to put it succintly, they run a store in which foster children can shop for clothes, toys, accessories, and school supplies for free. It was an honor to be involved and I’m thankful they let me join them in their work.
Southwestern Alumni Association volunteering with Treehouse For Kids
I have no idea what this is, but I knew I needed a picture
Peter Byck screening his film Carbon Nation at BGI
A view of the Seattle Space Needle on my walk home