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Job Seekers, Do NOT give your login and password to potential employers


Job seekers, do NOT, under any circumstances, provide a potential (or current) employer with your login credentials to your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media account. Security in all its forms is to be taken seriously. As employers and recruiters have taken to the social web to carry out more comprehensive background checks, social media profiles are becoming increasingly seen as a way to get an inside glimpse of who you really are. Posts on Facebook, updates on Twitter, pictures on Instagram, etc. all provide a peek through the firewall we often put up in the form of résumés and cover letters.

As we have become increasingly aware of privacy issues and concerns, many people have set their privacy settings to block certain people from viewing certain content. What you decide to share or not is your prerogative. Just know that the decisions you make regarding your privacy will impact the way you are perceived by people researching you. The more open you are, the more likely someone will trust what they find as representative of you. To get around restrictive privacy settings, some prospective employers have been asking applicants to provide them with their user names and passwords to allow them full access. Please understand that this is a violation to your right to privacy and is not common practice. For me, asking for this information shows a lack of trust and I see no reason to work with people I can’t trust or who don’t trust me.

Read the response Facebook posted about employers asking for login information.

Building Real Networks Through Social Media


The title of this post was going to be something along the lines of “How Virtual Networks Can Be Used To Build Real Networks.” However, before I could even put the pen to paper I realized there is nothing not real about about these so-called “virtual” networks. Using social media as a tool can extend your network far beyond that which would be possible otherwise. Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media is effective in connecting people across cities, states, and nations, and in their own backyards.

Connections are no longer limited to geographic location, but the willingness of a person to explore. I have recently engaged in conversation with authors, poets, volunteers, friends, business leaders, editors, and others via Twitter. While I would have met some of these people in person because of the activities in which I take part, many I would not.

Lately, I have taken the next step to meet some of the people whom I have met on Twitter in person. One such meeting took place with San Antonio Business Journal project editor Donna Tuttle.  After meeting her son at a Southwestern University alumni event I sent Ms. Tuttle (@writeontime) a tweet to tell her how well he presented himself. After a few exchanges, we met at The Foundry, a local, community-based coffee shop, to discuss various projects in and around San Antonio, where we discovered we have largely overlapping interests and networks: We both were/are involved with TEDxSanAntonio (she organized, I attended). We both know the likes of Todd O’Neil (@toddfromnj) and Debbie Curtis (@kitestringbyday). And we both believe business should bring about positive, social change. That encounter has proved to be mutually beneficial as we have shared resources, events, and plans. Tuttle has also introduced me to other inspiring agents of change within the San Antonio community.

Others I’ve met via social media who have influenced me include Marissa Garcia (@marissaRgarcia), Bill Backus (@billbackus), Gemini Ink (@GeminiInk), and Karen Bantuveris (@vspotmom). Thank you guys.

Networks aren’t defined by who you have physically met. It’s how you interact with people. Whether or not you ever meet them in person you can tremendously influence one another. These connections, networks, and relationships are very real.

Building Networks Through Social Media

Twitter No-No's: Top Ten Things NOT To Do On Twitter



#10. Beg For Followers

Begging for followers is one of the easiest ways to turn people off. Twitter is a community, be part of it. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality.

#9. Randomly Jump In Conversations

If you’re going to hop in a conversation, please make sure that what you’re saying is relevant

#8. Follow Everyone

Twitter can be exciting when you first get introduced to it, but don’t go following everybody. It makes it look like you are just searching for others to follow you.

#7. Tweet Everything

We don’t need to know every move you make.

#6. Forget About Direct Messages

When a conversation only involves two people, why make the entire dialogue public? Sometimes it’s better to send a direct message.

#5. Auto-Tweet

Many social media outlets allow you to auto-tweet everything you do. Between Facebook, Wordpress, Myspace (Does anybody still use Myspace?), Tumblr, Picasa, Flickr, etc., your Twitter profile will quickly approach SPAM status.

#4. Initiate SPAM

Simply not cool

#3. Forward SPAM

Apple does not need your help testing a product that’s already been out a year. They have a huge research department that conducts market research BEFORE a product launches. Stop telling me about how you got a “FREE iPad!!!!” Real copywriters rarely use that many exclamation points when writing copy.

#2. Choose A Weak Password

Makes #4 and #3 easier for those who don’t practice social media etiquette.

#1. Be Fake

Just like in real life, it’s just weird, and people will figure you out.

I Finally Got A #Posterous Account


Yeah I know. I’m a little late to the game with this one, but I finally set up my Posterous account. I’ve been meaning to do it for about two years now, but I finally got around to it. Like most people, I use Twitter for all my microblogging needs, I maintain a full blog here, and I even have a Tumblr account that I keep on autopilot, updating with anything I post via my blog, Facebook, and Twitter.

Alas, I have finally found a reason to set up a Posterous account, which you can check out here. Basically, it comes down to this: I’ve been struggling lately with how I should update my blog. I try to keep this one more focused on leadership, marketing, social media, networking, etc. There are several things I would like to put down here, but I would either have to sacrifice focus or update it much too often in order to do so. For people who subscribe to this blog via RSS feed or by email, I don’t want to inundate their inbox with a crazy amount of updates. Nor do I want to send them a continuous stream of irrelevant content.

I use Twitter to post quick updates, communicate with friends and professionals, and keep up with news on various topics. Where I found a void was the chasm between microblogging everything and blogging only business material. That’s where Posterous comes in. I like the ability to email photos, videos, and pretty much any kind of media I want to share while providing a little more detail than I can with Twitter. Also, I don’t have to update my self-named blog every few minutes and drive people away. So, if you want to see what I’m up to, feel free to check out the Twitter or Posterous accounts. We’ll see how it goes. I just set it up today and I have some exploration ahead of me. But so far, I like what I see.

Thanks Rey. I know you told me to get on this over a year ago, but I’ve been busy…I promise.



My Blog