Alki Beach, West Seattle, WA
When I first moved to West Seattle almost a year ago, I learned how beautiful it is to run down the beach. I enjoy it most when it’s relatively quiet, so I find myself running either very early in the morning or very late at night. Every time I run by the water, I find myself in awe by the the Seattle skyline on the other side. To me, it’s most beautiful at night when only the lights and the outlines of the buildings are visible. For week two of the “Year on Film” project, I decided to set up on a pier and make a photograph that shows the skyline and where I stood at the same time. I hope you enjoy. Some of these images I’m using to create desktop wallpapers you can download for free.
View of Downtown Seattle from Alki Beach, West Seattle. Image taken with Mamiya RB67 + Fujifilm Acros Neopan 100 and developed in Ilford Ilfosol 3.
View of Downtown Seattle from Alki Beach, West Seattle. Image taken with Mamiya RB67 + Fujifilm Acros Neopan 100 and developed in Ilford Ilfosol 3.